“The renegotiation of art‘s relation to truth has been at stake throughout the history of modern aesthetic thinking. However, contemporary art faces a double problem toady. First, it deals with the fact that the modernist and avant-garde model of an unmediated or privileged access to reality has become obsolete. This raises the question how to draw the relation between contemporary art and reality in a post avant-garde scheme. Second, what reality is at stake? The cultural and economic developments since the 1960s have brought to the light ever more advancing processes of commodification and reification of the aesthetic. So what does that mean for a model of contemporary art that critically addresses this reality through aesthetic representation?”


The panel Reconstructing Truth and Falsety in Contemporary Art is co-organised by Dr. des. Sebastian Mühl (Alpen-Adria-Universität Klagenfurt), Dr. Stefan Hölscher (Ruhr-Universität Bochum), Ellen Wagner (Peace Research Institute Frankfurt, Offenbach University of Art and Design). It features the papers Practices of Truth and Representations of  the Popular in the work of Chto Delat? (Sebastian Mühl), From Rehearsals and Trainings to the Workshop: Performing and Visual Art Practices in New York during the 1960s (Stefan Hölscher), and Fishing for Controversy. Post-critical strategies of Mimicry in “Post-Internet Art” (Ellen Wagner).


Keynote speakers of the ALP 2019 conference Truth, fiction, illusion – worlds & experience include: Stuart Elden, Jeff Malpas, Maria Margaroni, Achille Mbembe, and Bernard Stiegler.


Conference programme