The following videos are excerpts of films and film based visual art projects directed by Sebastian, beginning in 2008. You can request a vimeo link for the entire versions of the works.
The following videos are excerpts of films and film based visual art projects directed by Sebastian, beginning in 2008. You can request a vimeo link for the entire versions of the works.
High Definition video with sound, 16:11 min, 2018.
High Definition video with sound, 8:30 min, 2013.
High Definition video with sound, 26:30 min, 2015.
High Definition video with sound, 26:30 min, 2012.
High Definition video with sound, 9:42 min, 2012.
High Definition video with sound, 27:25 min, 2012.
SD video with sound, 7 min, 2011.
High Definition video with sound, 19 min, loop, 2008.