All posts 103
Art Criticism 13 Art & Design 7 Art & Science 17 Artistic Research 8 Design Theory 5 Museum & Institution 2 PhD 20 Postcinema 5 Postdoc 3 Uncategorized 6 Art & Politics / Utopia 39 Zlín 10
Article 15 Lecture 27 Screening 9 Teaching 13
Biennale, Documenta, Manifesta: Von der Kritik des westlichen Kanons zum Biennalen-Boom der Gegenwart

Seminar im Masterstudiengang Visuelle Kultur an der Alpen-Adria-Universität Klagenfurt, Wintersemester 2020/21.
Beginn: 08.10.2020

Moderna galerija: The national museum as a site of self-historicization

Paper on „Moderna galerija: The national museum as a site of self-historicization“ at the 2020 International Conference “Curating the Contemporary in the Art Museum”, SMK – National Gallery of Denmark, and University of Copenhagen, 12-13 March 2020.