Rezension über Utopien der Gegenwartskunst, von Christoph Chwatal, erschienen in der Springerin, Heft 4/2020 Magazin zur Kritik und Theorie der Kultur der Gegenwart.
The monograph Utopien der Gegenwartskunst. Geschichte und Kritik des utopischen Denkens in der Kunst nach 1989 is available now. Get a copy from your local book store or directly from Transcript.
“What does Utopia, this non-place that we still haven’t found yet, promise us?” Sebastian Mühl and Ellen Wagner are guests in the Podcast Off_Line, the podcast of the Offenbach Academy of Art and Design. Moderation: Felix Kosok
The monograph Utopien der Gegenwartskunst. Geschichte und Kritik des utopischen Denkens in der Kunst nach 1989 is out now. It was published with Transcript in July 2020.
Article Universalism und Difference. Bata’s Satellite Towns, in: Hochschule für Gestaltung, Sebastian Mühl (Hg.), Satellites, Offenbach am Main 2019.
Vortrag von Sebastian Mühl auf der 6. Internationalen Konferenz des EAM | European Network for Avant-Garde and Modernism Studies: Realismen der Avantgarde / Realism(s) of the Avant-Garde, Westfälische Wilhelms-Universität Münster, 5.-7. September 2018.
I sucessfully passed the Defense of Thesis at HfG Offenbach with summa cum laude. The project “Utopien der Gegenwartskunst. Geschichte, Gegenwart, Kritik” was a research into notions of utopia in contemporary practices after the end of communism at the end of the 20th century. It was supervised by Prof. Dr. Juliane Rebentisch, Prof. Dr. Beatrice von Bismarck and Prof. Rotraut Pape. Still some work to be done until the book will be published.
High Definition video with sound, 16:11 min, 2018.
Finally: I handed in my phd thesis. The project was a research into the heritage of utopian thought in contemporary art. The thesis was part of my studies in the interdisciplinary phd program at Offenbach University of Art and Design. It is located in art and media studies and was supervised by Prof. Dr. Juliane Rebentisch, Prof. Dr. Beatrice von Bismarck and Prof. Rotraut Pape.