Article: Umstrittene Utopien. Ökonomie und Ästhetik einer problematischen Grenze

My article “Umstrittene Utopien. Ökonomie und Ästhetik einer problematischen Grenze” is online. It is part of the conference papers “Kongress-Akten Band 4: Das ist Ästhetik”, published on occasion of the X. Congress of the German Society for Aesthetics (DGÄ) at Hochschule für Gestaltung Offenbach, 14.-17.02.2018.

PhD: Project Documentation – Satellites
PhD: Thesis. Utopien der Gegenwartskunst. Geschichte, Gegenwart, Kritik

Finally: I handed in my phd thesis. The project was a research into the heritage of utopian thought in contemporary art. The thesis was part of my studies in the interdisciplinary phd program at Offenbach University of Art and Design. It is located in art and media studies and was supervised by Prof. Dr. Juliane Rebentisch, Prof. Dr. Beatrice von Bismarck and Prof. Rotraut Pape.

Article: Future in the Past. The Historicity of Utopia

Rootless Rocks and Drifting Stones is available at Walther Koenig Frankfurt am Main(DE), WIELS Brussels (BE) and at selected bookstores, among others: Munich, Cologne, Berlin, Amsterdam and online.

Article: Ambivalenzen der Utopie in der Gegenwartskunst

Artikel über Ambivalenzen der Utopie in der Gegenwartskunst in der aktuellen Ausgabe von, E-Journal für Kunst- und Bildgeschichte, zum Thema RE/VISIONEN DER UTOPIE, Redaktion: Angela Krawani, Samantha Schramm, Christiane Heibach.

PhD: Mindmap. Utopien der Gegenwartskunst

The mindmap visualises contemporary practices and connects them with different theories on utopian thinking. It structures the theoretical approaches along two main strands: avant-garde and modernist aesthetics, whereas it retraces their revival and critique in modernological, participartory and interventionist approaches in contemporary art.

PhD: Zlín is a shiny phenomenon
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